The Queen of the Swords Book One

Simon returns to D&Ts to look at the first part of the second volume of the adventures of Corum, Prince in the Scarlet Robe and tell us all about his new(ish) podcast Can I Pod With Madness (available wherever you consume your pods).

Beer mistakes and dodgy audio can’t dampen our enthusiasm for some fantastic world-building and the first true appearance of everyone’s (well ours anyway) favourite companion/hat/cat combination.


The Swords of Corum – Omnibus cover by Mark Salwowski

Entropic State Report 7th May 2023

It’s been a wild week here at Derry & Toms but we’ve managed to get away and take our repose at our spiritual home… Morecambe.

The Old Pier Book Shop yielded some modest treasures this time around, largely because I limited myself to a ten minute scan of the heaving shelves and piles, but I did pick up a nice brace of Brunners and a lively old Masterton edition of the further misadventures of the Manitou and his nemesis Harry Erskine. I have three of those editions now. Love those covers. Very striking. And now I’ve picked up a couple more John Brunners I really am running out of excuses to cover one.

One of our distinct pleasures when we visit Morecambe is a catch up with Ian aka @biomassart and his partner Angie, so true to form we had a couple of liveners in The Bath (a glorious old school rock pub – Dave, if you ever get to the UK we should make this hostelry a pilgrimage destination). Interestingly, Ian has a podcast idea marinating in his noggin that’s very much related to his great passions, in which he and I have something of an overlap (beyond the natural stuff like Moorcock, RPGs, scifi, beer and all the other geekery). Specially the PC strategy game Homeworld, one of the most visually distinct, absorbing and mellow of distractions I’ve ever engaged with over the past couple for decades. So… No pressure Ian but I’d LOVE to join you for that.

In BITR Podcast news, thanks for all the positive feedback on FotP:3 – as I have some time off pending I’ll probably edit and release the two I have in the can over the next week or so. So expect to hear Simon Perrins join me to muse over The Queen of the Swords Book One, and then part 6 of our periodical series of RPG-centric ponderings in the company of artist Goran Gligovic and a couple of friends of the show (and experienced Stormbringer GM’s) Dave and Steve.

To keep up the pace Miles returns to D&Ts next week to decide whether Tarnsman of Gor is a step up or down from Dannus (#FUCKINGDANNUS) and see what Darlingtonian butchers find so fascinating and arousing about Gorean culture.

Over the rest of May we’ll also be welcoming Andy Darby back to the rooftop to tackle The Winds of Limbo and Dave will be looking at book two of The Sword of the Dawn. And there’s plenty more in the pipeline too. You never know, Phil might actually finish her long-gestating homework and Tash might make herself available for Nine Princes in Amber…

In the meantime though, we love having these conversations and remain delighted that you enjoy listening.

See you soon. The Moonbeam Roads await…